Friday, October 24, 2008

My boys

It's been a while since I updated, so here goes: We visited the pediatrician's office last week for a weight check and to discuss the Zantac that they put Landon on for the reflux. Landon's weight is incredible! He weighs 9 lbs. 3 oz. It is so hard to beleive-he's come so far! The only frustrating part-he's between sizes, so sometimes I change him a few times before I find something that fits him just right. He's also between diaper sizes. I remember going through this with Aaron, so we'll get through it soon:) I am just greatful that he is wearing normal baby clothes and not preemie! One milestone for him this month is that he started smiling! It is so sweet. He's starting to coo more also. You can see a little bit of personality coming out. It's just great. As far as his medicine goes, we decided to switch him to Prevacid. The doctor pretty much left it up to me and since Landon had started to have a hard time taking his bottles(like it hurt to swallow) I decided trying something different would be the best thing. And, so far, he is doing great on the Prevacid. This week we visited Dr. Yajnik at SleepMed to go over the download from the Apnea Monitor. The monitor seems to alarm at least once a day, if not more. I had noticed last week that it was going off and he was still breathing. so, I wasn't sure how many events were real and how many were false. Well, the download showed that he only had 2 events in 6 weeks! WHAT?? I was in shock! I am so happy! this means that all the times the monitor alarmed us that he wasn't breathing for 20 seconds or longer, only twice were those alarms real. And, the last "real" alarm was on Sept. 13th! WOW! We are so blessed! So, she wants him on it at least another month just to be sure, but after that, he will probably be taken off of it. Which is, bittersweet. It's a nice comfort to have the machine so that we know for sure that he's breathing, especially at night and in the car. But, on the other hand, it is a pain to worry about having him hooked up all the time. So, that's the update on Landon. Aaron, is doing great too. He is a great big brother and such a good kid. Right now he is very much into playing computer games, so I have come up with a behavior system where he has to earn computer time. he's doing well with that. We also crossed a giant bridge the past 2 weeks. Aaron has been sleeping with me and Michael since he was 2 years old, basically since we moved into our new house. Well, last week, I started making him sleep in his bed. the first few nights were pretty tough, but now that we have a routine at bedtime (for the most part) he is doing really well. A few nights he got up and came to the living room with me and stayed on the couch(that's where me and the baby sleep) but, most nights he stays in his room all night. This is a huge thing for our house and it feels so good to be over that hurdle. Tomorrow, we are going with our friends, Tish and Chad, to Winnsboro to let our boys, Aaron and Hudson, ride the Steam Engine. Aaron has no idea where we are going, so this should be a blast. Landon is staying with Aunt Heather and Uncle Wade for the first time ever. I hope this goes well:) I am not worried about their ability to care for my child, but I just hope that Landon is good!! Well, that's our craziness for now. We have A LOT going on the next few months! I will keep you posted as much as possible. Love you all!

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