Friday, November 14, 2008


7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die...

1. Visit another country
2. Watch my children succeed in life
3. Learn to play guitar
4. Take Michael to Fenway Park
5. See Clemson win a national championship
6. See Carolina win a national championship:)only for my hubby's sake
7.Make sure that I know my kids are going to Heaven

7 Things I Can Not Do...
1. bungee jump
2. back flips
3. look at blood when it is coming from one of my kids
4. stop staring at people
5. eat sweet pickles
6. deny Christ
7. dance
7 Things That Attracted Me To My Hubby...(these things continue to attract me everyday)
1. his blue eyes
2. amazing smile
3. the way he walks:)
4. love of sports
5. his family is amazing
6. his love of God
7. the amazing way he takes care of me

7 Things I Say Most Often
1. WHAT?!
2. gosh dangit
4. I love you
5. um
6. you are the cutest baby I've ever seen!
7. put in FRIENDS

7 Celebrity CrushesI don't know if I can come up with 7 "crushes" but I'll tell you my favorites
1. Jennifer Aniston
2. Johnny Depp
3. Jim Carrey
4. Patrick Dempsey
5. Brad Pitt
6. Matt Damon
7. Lisa Kudrow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too cute! you definitely CAN'T look at blood coming from your children! LOL thankfully, i'm not sure if I can or not!