Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Let me tell you what: I just sat in front of my laptop and cried like a baby. As I sat here reading this amazing story, Landon was fussing in the exersaucer, Aaron was in the bathtub and Michael is not at home, but I could not stop reading this story. My friend Melissa shared it with me, I actually read about it a few months ago, but haven't been back to follow the blog. Its about a tiny 1 pound miracle baby that was born in June of 2008, just before Landon was born. I believe she was born at 28 or 29 weeks. Landon was born at 29 weeks. The story is very different from ours, this baby did not come early for the same reason that Landon did. The mom was having blood pressure problems and the baby was very small and they ended up having to take her by emergency csection. There's a lot of details to the story, and I will give you a link if you want to read about this baby, but, this baby went through so so much, she was up and down for 11 months, she went through lots of procedures and surgeries, blood transfusions, etc. and just when the family was getting close to taking her home, she died. And it makes me wonder, why? I know that there are no answers as to why God chooses to take some and why he chooses to leave others, but it makes me feel so incredibly blessed on one hand, and so incredibly guilty on the other. Why did my baby get to stay here with me, but this couple had their's taken away after almost a year of ups and downs? And they were so close to getting their baby home. This story has made me realize that I do not thank God enough for my miracle baby. I do not thank God enough for the blessings he has given me and my family, I just simply don't take the time to thank God enough. Some people may say, why would you trust or believe in a God that can be so cruel to some people? But I truly believe that every situation is used by God and this little tiny baby, Kayleigh, has touched so many lives, their blog is amazing! Millions of people have heard her story and these parents trust God, they follow Him and live by his word, so they are sharing God with everyone they come in contact with and this has happened because of that tiny miracle baby. If you are not afraid to sit and boohoo for a little bit, go read her blog, its a very special story. And make sure you love on your children just a little more everyday, appreciate the things that God has blessed you and your family with, and put your full trust in Him as He continues to work miracles in your life and for people around you. You never know what someone else may be going through. Love you all, look for an update tomorrow night from my doctor's appt tomorrow.
I will post Kayleigh's button on the side of my blog, click on it to go to her story.


April - Team Tottle said...
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April - Team Tottle said...

I've been following Kayleigh's story for the past couple months, I think I first heard of her through MckMama www.mycharmingkids.net The way you described how you're feeling is exactly how I felt reading her story and hearing about so many other moms who do not get to take their miracles home. Why did God allow me to keep my baby? Why us? Why does my baby get to live? It kind of puts some pressure on me, like I'd better be sure I raise her to do what God has spared her for! You know? I just wanted to share that I know exactly how you feel. I almost forgot to mention that they are being featured on the show "The Drs" tomorrow. I'm not sure for you but The Drs is on at 2pm CT here right before Dr. Phil. I don't ever get to watch daytime television, but I'm going to set the alarm on my cell phone so I can catch it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here at work and crying my eyes out! What a sweet precious baby girl and what a precious family this is. I can't even imagine what heart break they are going through. I'm praying for their strength through this time and pray God will give others the right words to say or gestures to comfort them as only He can.

I know that our family has been blessed with the birth of our nephew who was born at 25 weeks in March. I don't understand why God allows things to happen, and I've wondered why, but I know that God has a perfect plan for all of our lives and He knows ALL.

Thank you for sharing this with me. I will continue to pass it along for everyone to see and hopefully be touched by this little angel.

Love ya girl!!!